Vernier de Valentigney
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Flag of Vernier Commune, Switzerland
FOTW Logo Flag of Vernier Commune,
Genève Canton, Switzerland

  ... to Ohio
Western Ohio
Vernier Ici et Là

Phillipe Vernier, French theologian (?)

Do not wait for great strength before setting out, for immobility will weaken you further.

Do not wait to see very clearly before starting: One has to walk toward the light.

Have you strength enough to take this first step? Courage enough to accomplish this little tiny act... the necessity of which is apparent to you?

Take this step! Perform this act!

You will be astonished to feel that the effort accomplished, instead of having exhausted your strength, has doubled it --- and that you already see more clearly what you have to do next."

 [Context, May 1993]

Letter to the Reverend Paul Vernier (see 1889 entry) from Paul Gauguin in Papeete, April, 1903

I am ill, I can no longer walk.

Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Reverend Frédéric Salles mentioning the painter and lithographer Emile Louis Vernier

Comment aimez-vous la lithographie Vernier...?

John Baptist Vernier, Detroit settler John Baptist Vernier came to Detroit in 1801 and bought land at the foot of Atwater and Randolph, where the tunnel and customs to Canada now stand. He purchased most of what is now Grosse Pointe and St. Clair Shores in 1808. Vernier Road is named for the farm that he owned.

Pierre Vernier c. 1580-1637. Scientific instrument-maker, born in Ornans, France. He spent most of his life serving the King of Spain in the Low Countries, and in 1631 invented the measuring caliper which now bears his name. It makes use of two graduated scales sliding parallel to each other, one of which provides accurate subdivisions of one division of the other scale.

Vernier Scale

Vernier Scale

You may want to know how to read this when the display on your new digital calipers fails. If you don't know, see N.Y. Regents Math Preparatory Lesson on Vernier Calipers or send e-mail to

If it weren't for the misspelling [2002 JAN 01] in the eponymous file name at the end of the URL, I would give you a clickable link to the nice exercise at (They do have several simple and effective introductory pages there.)

Phoebe Vernier

Artistic Director, Professional Dancer, Dance Instructor, Winner "Best Performing Dance Company"

'Energy and Passion... Well Disciplined and Professional Troupe... Good Spirited and Taut Flamenco!'... Gleason, Napa Register

'La Fibi' Held the Audience Breathless as She Carried Her Artistry to a Higher Plane... She Ran Through a Range of Emotional Movements I Previously Thought Possible Only in Classical Ballet!'... Kreitman, Oakland Tribune

"La Fibi's dramatic dance, intense and finely honed, represents the constant triumph of Art over Adversity. At once joyful and profound, her dance is elegant, fully individual and searingly honest, far removed from the generic stereotyped flamenco. The imprint of her duende and her personality is in all of her movements. She dances, as an observer said of Carmen Amaya, "as if nothing else existed in the world..." - Professor Francisco Gaona

'Evocative and Sultry Energy... Mind Blowing Rhythm and Speed!' ... The Santa Cruz Connection

'Quite Simply... Amazing!'... Bam Magazine

"I Like the Way You Dance!"... Paco De Lucia

Phoebe Vernier

Photo by Marty Sohl

Vernier Commune, Genève Canton, Swiss Confederation

La commune en bref

La commune de Vernier compte, à fin septembre 2000, 29154 habitants. Sa superficie est de 7,67 km², dont le point culminant se situe à 449 mètres.

A partir de 1955, Vernier connaît un développement démographique considérable, avec la construction de nouveaux quartiers et des deux cités du Lignon et des Avanchets.

Sous le village passe le tunnel de l'autoroute qui enjambe le Rhône, là où avait été installée la première usine hydroélectrique d'Europe, en 1893.

Tout près de là s'établit une importante entreprise de parfums synthétiques, qui contribua à l'essor de la commune. La zone industrielle de ZIMOGA entre Vernier et Meyrin, les centres administratifs et commerciaux des Coquelicots et de Blandonnet participent au développement de Vernier.

Regard sur l'histoire

Le nom de Vernier proviendrait du mot celtique de verne, désignant l'aulne, arbre qui croît dans les lieux humides. Situé sur a route allant de Genève à Lyon, le village a probablement été fondé par les légionnaires romains qui vainquirent les Helvètes lors de leur tentative d'émigrer en Gaule, dans l'espoir de s'installer sur des terres plus fertiles. Vernier fut successivement occupé par les Burgondes, les Francs, les Sarrasins et les Germains.

Les limites de la commune sont historiquement celles de la paroisse, telle qu'elle fut créée en 1536, au moment de l'invasion bernoise du pays de Gex. En 1590 le territoire passa sous l'administration genevoise. A la révolution française, Vernier apparut comme une commune qui devint suisse par le traité de Paris de 1815.

FOTW Logo Flag of Vernier Commune, Genève Canton, Switzerland
The Vernier Commune is part of the Geneva canton in the Swiss Confederation. The name Geneva comes from the Celtic words "gen", mouth, and "ava", water. The name Vernier also has watery origins. It comes from the Celtic "verne", meaning the alder, a tree with a preference for river banks and wetlands. A river runs through the Vernier coat of arms, binding nature and technology. A sinuous stripe (the Rhone) symbolizes the home of the trout and the engine of the mill wheel.

Flag of Vernier Commune, Switzerland

  Domremy-la-Pucelle, Vosges, France
    (180 km north of Valentigney)
  Gentit Oral History - Cynthia Gentit
  Ville de Valentigney, Doubs, Franche-Comte, France
  Ville de Vernier, Commune Vernier, Genève Canton, Switzerland
  Vernier Family Genealogy Forum
  Vernier Rocket, Surveyor Lunar Probe

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   Joan of Arc
   Lydia's Blog    Standing On the Moon    Vernier@ISI

Tom Vernier
Semiconductor and Electrobionic Engineer
Phone: --------------

Last revised 2012 SEP 29

Copyright © 2001--2012 by Tom Vernier.
All rights reserved.